Furniture design competition for the ENSA of Versailles with the aim to furnish one large area in the university. Organised by two associations, K'fet and ADN+ with the ENSA-V
This project is part of the winning ones that are going to be built in series.


The project derive the iconography of the two associations's logos to create 6 furniture pieces that will fulfill the space and serves the use. 
This area is use by students to eat and chill around but also by the uni for exhibitions and by the teachers for corrections, with that in mind it needs to be variable, fluid and easy to arrange. 
The objects are made out of plywood and assembled in cut and slide so that they are economic, easy to move around and to store. 
The goal of these is to be to small connectors between every uses and volumes in this space while inhencing the identity of the associations to also reinforce their image in those spaces.

All the models are 1:10 scale
* Reinforce the associations's iconography by a strong furniture design.

